目前分類:french cuisine Taipei (8)

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As a seasoned traveler, I have had the opportunity to explore many different cultures and cuisines. One of my recent discoveries has been the amazing French cuisine scene in Taipei. Taipei may not be the first place that comes to mind when you think of French cuisine, but the city has some hidden gems that are well worth exploring.

One of my favorite places to experience French cuisine in Taipei is Les Amis. This Michelin-starred restaurant is located in the heart of Taipei's bustling business district and is known for its elegant decor and impeccable service. The menu features classic French dishes like foie gras and escargot, as well as more contemporary creations like sea urchin tartare.


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米其林指南公布必比登推介名單後風波不斷,首度納入評鑑的台南出現最多爭議,台南鄉親紛紛吐嘈名單之外,其中入選必比登推介的台菜餐廳府城食府,更因一張「蚵仔沒煎」照片鬧得滿城風雨。不過業者正向看待,明(26)日起連續1個月推出蚵仔煎免費吃回饋鄉親,只要姓名任一字和「蚵仔煎」同音就能免費吃。french cuisine Taipei

米其林指南日前公布四都的必比登推介店家,代表提供「物超所值」的美食,能用1000元吃到有水準的三道菜。不過在米其林粉專公布的台南入選店家照片中,台菜餐廳府城食府的代表照片是一道蚵仔煎,因為是將燙熟的牡蠣直接擺在蛋煎上,不只台南人看傻眼,還湧入大批網友看笑話、灌爆留言,使得米其林最後不得不下架該張照片。french cuisine Taipei


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If you are a foodie this article is only for you. Also if you are not a foodie, then you will soon be a foodie after reading this article. All the French mouthwatering dishes we love for decades. french cuisine Taipei

1)Petits Farcis


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Chez Olivia is one of the latest eateries to come to Astoria this spring with a backyard for outdoor eating and traditional French cuisine.

The restaurant had its grand opening on April 28 and it’s the latest spot that’s worth a try along the busy street of cafes and tasty dining choices on 23rd Avenue. Chez Olivia is currently serving brunch and dinner and the owner, Vincent Caro, hopes to bring something unique to the neighborhood. french cuisine Taipei


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ChefChef Paul Canales is all about the details. Whether it’s getting into the weeds of what ingredients make a classic bouillabaisse, or selecting local artwork for his new Oakland restaurant Occitania, he’s involved on all levels. After years of running the kitchen at East Bay Italian standard Oliveto before branching out to Spanish food at Duende, Canales is now embarking on an exploration of southern French cuisine — and he wants to show diners a side of French food they may not know. “There’ll be some classic things that echo that kind of [French] restaurant,” Canales says. “But the food will be much more wide-ranging than what you see in any French place around here for sure.”french cuisine Taipei


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Every year the publication of the Michelin restaurant guide creates an excitement in France akin to the Oscars. But this year has caused a stir for altogether different reasons. 2020 is the first year since 1965 that the restaurant founded by Paul Bocuse— the Napoleon, of french cuisine Taipei— no longer figured among the 29-strong group of 3-star restaurants in France, missing out on the ultimate culinary accolade. The omission shocked France. Even President Macron, who has enough revolutions to contend with, could not help a ‘thought for Monsieur Paul’.



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Having honed her culinary skills in France, Taiwanese chef Vanessa Huang is back home doing what she loves most and championing the farm-to-table concept



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