Sometimes the ingredients are there but things just don’t add up.
This is my dispirited takeaway from my visits to Brasserie Provence, a mainstay restaurant of Louisville’s East End specializing in Southern French cuisine. French food can be deceivingly simplistic; dishes comprised of a mere handful of ingredients, each woven together to create something better than the sum of the parts. Alas, that magic fusion was missing as I tasted my way around Brasserie Provence’s lunch and dinner menus, the lack of seasoning and vibrancy pervasive.
Halloumi cheese is a flavor Maeve Webster, president of consultancy Menu Matters, expects to see popping up a lot next year. The only thing that could limit its growth, she says, is accessibility.
“It’s definitely going to take off — we’ll begin to see a ton of applications — but it’s not something that’s necessarily widely available,” she says. french cuisine Taipei
Street food rules at Taipei’s beloved night markets, including super affordable specialties “coffin bread,” oyster omelets, the aptly named stinky tofu, Frisbee-sized crispy chicken cutlets, and of course, bubble tea. Yet the LGBT-friendly city (following Taiwan’s landmark legalization of same-sex marriage in 2019) has earned a spot on the fine dining foodie map in recent years, too.
The Michelin Guide published its inaugural Taipei edition in 2018, and its second, launched in April 2019, saw 24 restaurants awarded with at least one Michelin star (Palais de Chine hotel’s Cantonese restaurant, Le Palais, entails the list’s single three star inclusion). In 2019, website Eater launched an ambitious series of articles, The Eater Guide To Taipei (www.eater.com/taipei-foodrestaurants-guide), which covers its french cuisine Taipei both high and low (fun fact: local 7-11s are a favorite spot to grab a bite, and they have proper seating areas to boot).
備受矚目全球50最佳餐廳名單出爐,今年由美國紐約的Eleven Madison Park奪下冠軍寶座,義大利摩德納Osteria Francescana、西班牙吉羅納El Celler de Can Roca分別奪下第2及第3名。而台灣主廚江振誠的新加坡餐廳Restaurant André則傳出佳績,獲得第14名,名次較去年第32名前進了18名。法式餐廳
每年的「全球50最佳餐廳」名單,受到美食界關注,今年由位於美國紐約Flatiron區的的Eleven Madison Park餐廳,以法式料理風格結合紐約在地食材,重新詮釋當地特色食物,獲得評審青睞,從第3名攀升到第1名,奪得冠軍寶座。其次則是主打創新義式料理的義大利摩德納的Osteria Francescana餐廳,以及西班牙吉羅納El Celler de Can Roca,分別取下第2名、第3名。
受到食安風暴影響,越來越多人,選擇在家做菜,烹飪教室也跟著蔚為一股風潮。就有歐法料理名廚,看準烹飪市場大餅,進攻台灣,更想抓準新手人妻族群,推出只要買食材,就送食譜,而且是大家想像中難以處理的法式料理,宣稱回家只要花不到20分鐘,一道法式料理,就可輕鬆上桌! 法式餐廳 台北情人餐廳
前駐法大使呂慶龍,邊用生動活潑的布袋戲偶,配上國台法語三種語言,介紹法國菜。雞胸肉慢煎,切成塊,再加上沙拉,不到10分鐘,兩百元的柳橙雞胸花生醬沙拉,輕鬆上桌。不想吃生食,也可考慮這道烤蘑菇,只要用磨菇和西芹等五種食材,247元就搞定。歐法料理名廚,看準台灣烹飪市場,只要購買食材,就有老師教你作菜 ,怕你記不牢,DIY食譜也讓你帶回家。相較市面上,烹飪教室,得付八百元的教師費,食材費。擺脫法式料理難處理思維,簡化步驟,歐法廚師,回台搶攻新手人妻,烹飪市場,但市場接受度,有待觀察。